6 آذار/مارس 2019
حلقة دراسية

Making disability visible in statistics - Side Event at the 50th Statistical Commission

  • New York, USA
The side-event focus on means of bridging the gap between policy-makers, civil society and statisticians, which constitutes a major obstacle and a hindrance to making progress on development of policies based on evidence and thus improving the lives of persons with disabilities. It will include presentation of a generic SDG-CRPD Framework of around 100 standard indicators that links CRPD articles to SDG policy areas, including SDG indicators that countries can disaggregate by disability status. In addition, the event will present new initiatives in data collection on persons with disabilities and capacity building programmes that aim to develop countries’ ability to disaggregate the SDGs by disability status, making disability visible in statistics by using data on disability to change programmes and policies and increasing interactions between national data systems, policy makers and civil society.

Concept Note


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