Ministerial Sessions materials

Comprehensive approaches to technical cooperation in response to member States’ emerging needs
30th Session
June 2018 |
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Technical cooperation and regional advisory services
30th Session
June 2018 | E/ESCWA/30/14
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Report of the Executive Secretary on the Activities of the Commission: Technical Cooperation Programme and Regional Advisory Services: Activities funded by the United Nations Development Account
26th Session
May 2010 | E/ESCWA/26/5(Part III)/B
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Report of the Executive Secretary on the Activities of the Commission: Technical Cooperation Programme and Regional Advisory Services: Activities under the Regular Programme of Technical Cooperation
26th Session
May 2010 | E/ESCWA/26/5(Part III)/A
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Report of the Executive Secretary on the Activities of the Commission: Technical Cooperation Programme and Regional Advisory Services
26th Session
May 2010 | E/ESCWA/26/5(Part III)
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Strengthening technical cooperation in the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
23rd Session
May 2005 |
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Proposed Technical Cooperation Projects, 2005-2007
23rd Session
May 2005 | E/ESCWA/23/INF.4
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Report of the Executive Secretary on the Activities of the Commission: The Technical Cooperation Programme and Regional Advisory Services: Regular Programme of Technical Cooperation
23rd Session
May 2005 | E/ESCWA/23/5(Part III)/Add.3
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Report of the Executive Secretary on the Activities of the Commission: The Technical Cooperation Programme and Regional Advisory Services: Technical Cooperation Activities
23rd Session
May 2005 | E/ESCWA/23/5(Part III)/Add.2
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Report of the Executive Secretary on the Activities of the Commission: The Technical Cooperation Programme and Regional Advisory Services: Technical Cooperation Strategy
23rd Session
May 2005 | E/ESCWA/23/5(Part III)/Add.1
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Report of the Executive Secretary on the Activities of the Commission: The Technical Cooperation Programme and Regional Advisory Services
23rd Session
May 2005 | E/ESCWA/23/5(Part III)
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Report of the Executive Secretary on the Activities of the Commission: Follow-up Action on the Resolutions of the Commission: Commission Resolution 137 (XII) on Technical Cooperation Activities and Technical Assistance Projects
13th Session
April 1986 | E/ESCWA/13/5/Add.5
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Technical cooperation projects in statistics
8th Session
May 1981 |
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Co-operation among Developing Countries: Review of Technical Co-operation among Developing Countries
8th Session
May 1981 | E/ECWA/124/Add.2
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Co-operation among Developing Countries: Recommendations for a Programme of Technical Co-operation among Arab States
8th Session
May 1981 | E/ECWA/124/Add.1
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