Reducing inequalities
Providing solutions to reduce all forms of inequality
2022 – Ongoing
ESCWA conducts research and activities that seek to maximize benefits from recent demographic shifts in the Arab region, and to minimize their adverse effects.
The Arab region is characterized by its youthful population. However, recent demographic shifts are resulting in a persisting youth bulge and a significant increase in the numbers of older persons. The region is also experiencing unprecedented flows of international migration. The Arab population is projected to reach 604 million by 2050. Such dynamics place enormous pressure on the region’s resources, and present obstacles to the achievement of sustainable development.
ESCWA has been leading efforts to address knowledge gaps in population dynamics and international migration in the region, foster regional collaboration and dialogue, and build the capacity of member States to formulate sustainable and inclusive national policies that address the vulnerabilities of young people, older persons and migrants and employ their potential to boost the economy.
ESCWA publishes the biennial Population and Development Report, which has become a reference for regionalized population data and policy analysis; and the Situation Report on International Migration, which is a reference for regionalized migration data and policy analysis.
ESCWA, in collaboration with its partners, organizes a series of regional meetings and capacity-building workshops for policymakers, to raise their awareness and provide them with knowledge for evidence-based policymaking in the field of population dynamics. ESCWA also provides guidance in developing migration governance frameworks, in line with the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.