25 June 2020-25 February 2021
Event series

First Regional Review of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration in the Arab Region

Global Compact for Migration
  • Online

To ensure an effective implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration, Member States called upon relevant sub regional, regional and cross-regional processes to review the implementation of the GCM at the regional level to monitor the progress on its implementation, beginning in 2020, and every four years thereafter. The outcome of regional reviews will inform the IMRF of major regional trends, challenges, successful practices, and emerging issues.

In the Arab region, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN-ESCWA), the League of Arab States (LAS), and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), in collaboration with the UN agencies members of the Regional Network on Migration in the Arab Region, and with support of the UN Network on Migration will coordinate the first regional review process in the Arab region.

This regional review will: (1) allow governments to undertake a first assessment of progress made in implementing the GCM within the Arab region, with the participation of all relevant stakeholders; (2) highlight challenges and opportunities, identify gaps, discuss regional priorities, trends, approaches, and highlight resource requirements required in implementing the GCM; (3) provide a common platform for interaction between all relevant stakeholders and exchange lessons learned and good practices; (4) take stock of inputs from various other regional review processes, including those organized by regional consultative processes and civil society; and (5) facilitate the formulation of key findings and recommendations to inform the 2022 International Migration Review Forum.

The regional review is composed of several events including capacity building workshops for Member States representatives, a series of multi-stakeholder dialogues and consultations, and a regional review forum that will bring all stakeholders around the table to review the progress of the GCM implementation in the Arab region.

This page provides a quick access to all the events, documents and publications relevant to the GCM regional review in the Arab region.

More information can also be found on the regional landing page of the UN Network on Migration website available from:  https://migrationnetwork.un.org/country-regional-network/arab-states


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