Committee on Financing for Development
The Committee tackles the critical issue of financing sustainable development in the Arab region.
The Committee on Financing for Development was established in accordance with resolution 332 (XXX) of 28 June 2018, which was endorsed by the Economic and Social Council in its resolution 2019/30 of 23 July 2019. It holds its sessions biennially. The Committee stemmed from the splitting of the Technical Committee on Liberalization of Foreign Trade, Economic Globalization and Financing for Development into two separate committees. The split was aimed at enabling greater focus on the financing agendas at the global, regional and country levels, as financing is crucial for realizing sustainable development. The Committee discuss priorities under the ESCWA programme of work and action plans; follows up on progress in financing for development policies in member States; and monitors developments in regional and international forums, conferences and processes, and coordinates regional efforts to implement related resolutions and recommendations.