4-7 December 2018
Expert Group Meeting

Arab Regional Dialogue and Experts Meeting on Internet Governance and Cybersecurity Nexus - Promoting Trust in Cyberspace

Arab IGF logo
  • Beirut, Lebanon

The Arab Regional Dialogue and Experts Meeting on Internet Governance and Cybersecurity Nexus - Promoting Trust in Cyberspace (Beirut, 4-7 December 2018) was held at the UN-House and organized in partnership with the League of Arab States, in preparation for the fifth Arab IGF process. 
The meeting was attended by around 47 participants, including 23 per cent women and representing 14 Arab countries. The main outcomes of the meeting included recommendations related to the theme of Cybersecurity and Trust in line with Internet governance priority areas for the Arab region, as stipulated in the Second Arab Roadmap for Internet Governance
This event has mainly discussed Internet trust, safety and security issues as well as their linkages with the other strategic priorities of the aforementioned Roadmap. Speakers covered important and emerging topics at the global, regional and national levels, in line with specificities and priorities of the Arab region.
During the event, members of the Arab IGF Multistakeholder Programme Advisory Committee (AMPAC) were able meet and work together on the preparations for the fifth Arab IGF.  The meeting explored opportunities for partnerships with all stakeholders towards strengthening collaboration on the Arab IGF process and for convening the Fifth Arab IGF in 2019. The AMPAC members have further developed the programme of the fifth Arab IGF and prepared concept notes for each of its topics.

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