22-23 September 2021

Committee on Social Development, 13th session


The Committee on Social Development was established pursuant to Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) resolution 198 (XVII) of 31 May 1994, which was endorsed by the United Nations Economic and Social Council in its resolution 1994/27 of 26 July 1994. The Committee aims to enhance regional cooperation on social development issues and increase the participation of member States in guiding the work of ESCWA in that field.

The thirteenth session of the Committee on Social Development will focus on the issue of designing and implementing integrated social policies in the Arab region. It will discuss practical ways for implementing integrated social policies and will provide a range of policy tools that can assist member States in their work.

The agenda of the session also includes a review of the work of ESCWA in social development since the previous session. At the conclusion of its proceedings, the Committee will make concrete recommendations on ways to advance social development in the Arab region.

View all the sessions of the Committee on Social Development

View the other ESCWA Committee sessions

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