6-7 November 2007

The Expert Consultation Meeting on Priority Science and Technology Domains: Establishment of the ESCWA Technology Centre

  • Amman
The Expert Consultation Meeting on Priority Science and Technology Domains: Establishment of the ESCWA Technology Centre was held in Amman on 6 and 7 November 2007, and organized by ESCWA in collaboration with the Royal Scientific Society, the host institution. The overall objective of the Meeting was to advance the ongoing process of designing, launching and, ultimately, establishing the ESCWA Technology Centre for Development. However, the immediate objective was to review and enhance a proposed report entitled “Detailed Assessment of Regional Needs and Priorities and Identification of Implementation Mechanisms”, the improved draft of which will serve as input for discussion at the fourth meeting of the ESCWA Consultative Committee on Scientific and Technological Development and Technological Innovation (ESTIC), scheduled to take place in early 2008, prior to being submitted for endorsement at the twenty-fifth ministerial session in 2008. The Meeting was attended by a total of 25 participants, mainly experts in STI domains. The Meeting recommended a number of enhancements and modifications to the body of the draft Report, particularly regarding the mission and objectives, technology priority domains and financing scheme of the Technology Centre. It concluded with a general consensus that establishing the ESCWA Technology Centre is relevant and necessary for the socio-economic development of the ESCWA region. 

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