17-18 June 2019

National Urban Policies: Training of Trainers

  • Beirut, Lebanon

In the context of the implementation of the DA project entitled “Sustainable, Inclusive and Evidence-based National Urban Policies in selected Arab States”, ESCWA and the UN-Habitat Regional Office for Arab States-ROAS co-organize a two-day meeting on National Urban Policies (NUP) - Training for Trainers, during the period from 17 to 18 June 2019, at the UN-House in Beirut-Lebanon.

The main objective of the meeting is to understand the state on NUP in the Arab Region; understand the urbanization challenges and opportunities for NUP in the Arab Region; understand the role of NUP towards sustainable urbanization; understand NUP Process (Feasibility, Diagnostics, Formulation, Implementation and Monitoring and evaluation); understand the thematic application of NUP; and share best practices of NUP in the Arab Region.

1- Event Details

National Urban Policies Workshop, Concept Note & Programme of Work

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