
28 Feb 2020


ESCWA holds three workshops on integrated education in the Sudan

بناء منحدر في إحدى مدارس السودان

Beirut-Khartoum, 28 February 2020--From 10 to 13 February, ESCWA held three workshops on integrated education in the Sudan, funded by the Italian Agency for Development and Cooperation (AICS). The workshops were conducted in Khartoum and the Red Sea and attended by administrators and high-level officials from the Ministry of Education, as well as data collectors.
The ESCWA Regional Adviser on Disability, Mr. Alaa Sebeh, highlighted the importance of upholding the right to education for children with disabilities, which would contribute to improving the quality of education for all children, enhancing social cohesion and increasing acceptance of diversity. He also introduced the basic principles of a participatory approach to information and data collection and analysis.
Participants agreed on the need to adopt participatory means for collecting and analyzing data and information, including through establishing national and local committees to reach schools, so as to involve all stakeholders in integrated education. They also stressed the importance of building stakeholders’ capacity, establishing partnerships and setting mechanisms to ensure coordination and role integration.
The workshops resulted in a number of commitments to ensure the success of the integrated education project in the Sudan, namely facilitating access to one of the pilot schools and movement inside it. Works on building ramps and enlarging toilets began a few days after the workshops in that school.


For more information:
Ms. Maryam Sleiman, Public Information Assistant, +961-81-769-888;
Ms. Rania Harb, Public Information Assistant, +961-70-008-879;

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