
Persons with disabilities: Labour market perceptions survey - Morocco


Country: Kingdom of Morocco

Publication Type: Policy briefs

Cluster: Gender Justice, Population and Inclusive Development

Focus Area: Inclusive development

Initiatives: Realizing the rights of persons with disabilities

SDGs: Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities

Keywords: Persons with disabilities, Gender discrimination, Employment creation, Labour market, Social security, Educational aspects, Public sector, Private sector, Recommendations, Laws and regulations, Surveys, Morocco

Persons with disabilities: labour market perceptions survey - Morocco

May 2023

In 2021, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) conducted a survey of 82 public and private sector enterprises of various sizes and fields in Morocco to determine their perceptions of the factors that impede the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the labour market.

The present policy brief provides an overview of employers' perceptions of hiring persons with disabilities in Morocco. It highlights barriers in the attitudes of employers and in work environments that prevent persons with disabilities from participating on an equal basis with others in the labour market.


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