Arab Digital Inclusion Platform
Realizing the digital rights of persons with disabilities and older persons
2020 – Ongoing
Persons with disabilities are not a homogenous group. They often face multiple layers of marginalization based on socioeconomic status, gender, the urban-rural divide, migration, ethnicity and many other identity markers. Persons with disabilities are also disproportionally affected by crises and disasters, exacerbated by ongoing conflicts in the Arab region. In addition to physical barriers to accessibility, social and legal barriers remain for the inclusion of people with disabilities in political and public life. As inequality deepens in the region and the world, an integrated approach is needed to address these complex and interacting factors.
Arab countries are increasingly committed to the social inclusion of persons with disabilities, not only as part of the 2030 Agenda, but also as signatories to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. However, one of the biggest challenges to ensuring their inclusion is a lack of disaggregated data related to persons with disabilities, resulting in a large gap for policymakers. Nonetheless, existing data show that they are less likely to have access to education and employment, and therefore more likely to be poor. Women and girls with disabilities in particular face greater vulnerabilities.
ESCWA endeavours to include persons with disabilities in all areas of social life, on an equal basis with others, so as to realize the full potential and capacity of the Arab region and its peoples.
ESCWA, in line with the framework laid out in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), is advocating a paradigm shift away from previous approaches adopted regarding persons with disabilities. Previous models viewed persons with disabilities either passively or as patients who need treatment. The CRPD emphasizes a social and human rights-based approach to disability inclusion that puts the responsibility on society to remove barriers to inclusion, while ensuring input from persons with disabilities regarding decisions that impact them. ESCWA provides technical support to member States on national planning, monitoring and reporting on the CRPD.
ESCWA has established a regional database with harmonized data on disability, according to Washington Group definitions. It also publishes regional and national research on select topics, such as status reports on social protection for persons with disabilities.
ESCWA regularly convenes the Inter-sessional Group of Experts on Disability Policy (IGED) that was established in 2016. The Group serves as a regional platform for policy dialogue, coordination, knowledge exchange, and south-south cooperation on issues related to ensuring social inclusion and the rights of persons with disabilities. IGED comprises high-level policymakers working on disability and social inclusion, including from ministries of social affairs, and national councils for persons with disabilities.
By convening regular meetings, delivering workshops and trainings, developing knowledge products and providing technical advice through IGED, ESCWA raises the awareness and strengthens the capacity of policymakers in Arab countries to efficiently design, implement and monitor social inclusion policies for persons with disabilities, thus facilitating regional and subregional cooperation and mutual learning, and contributing to the inclusion of persons with disabilities in Arab countries.
ESCWA also supports Arab Governments by providing technical advice and training sessions on various disability-related issues, such as including persons with disabilities in the labour market, accessing electronic media, and formulating national disability policies.
ESCWA prepared a paper entitled “National institutional structures for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Exploring the Implementation of Article 33 in the Arab Region”. For further training materials created by other United Nations agencies, see: Frameworks for implementing and monitoring the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, National Plans on Disability or the full Toolkit on Disability for Africa.