11 August 2021

Beirut time


Mainstreaming Ageing in Policy Making in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

  • Online

The Saudi society is witnessing a moderate demographic transition to Ageing which is expected to begin in 2030. To improve the quality of life for older persons and ameliorate the services provided to them, the Saudi government has made remarkable efforts by adopting strategies and policies that address many of the older persons’ priorities, including Vision 2030 and the National Health Strategy for the Elderly (2017-2030). Several projects and initiatives have been launched in this field.

The Saudi Family Affairs Council focuses on older persons, and to this end has formed a technical committee on older persons consisting of specialists and relevant stakeholders, to enhance coordination and concerted efforts to respond to the priorities of the older persons.

Accordingly, this training workshop organized by the Saudi Family Affairs Council, with technical support from the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), aims to build the capacity of policy makers in various sectors to mainstream ageing in policy making. The workshop focuses on interactive exercises to raise the participants' ability to analyze and develop policies from the perspective of older persons. It also offers a timely opportunity to foster dialogue as the country embarks on the fourth revision of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing.

Initiatives: Older persons

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