
14 Sep 2023

Rabat, Morocco

Population projection and microdata files in Arab countries

Group photo of participants, standing on stairs

To enhance the capacity of member States to produce accurate and timely official statistics in support of evidence-based policymaking and the SDGs implementation, ESCWA organized a regional workshop on population projections and the use of microdata files in Arab countries.
In Rabat, Morocco, participants explored the basic concepts and methods of population projections and were trained on data analysis, demographic models, and projection techniques. They were also introduced to population projection applications in policy development and planning.
The workshop was organized from 4 to 8 September in collaboration with the UNFPA regional office, the Arab Institute for Training and Research in Statistics, the High Commission for Planning of Morocco, the National Institute for Statistics and Applied Economics in Morocco and the Micro/Single Data Qualification Program for Public Use at the University of Minnesota.
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