ESCWA Publication: E/ESCWA/SDPD/2019/TP.4
Country: Arab region
Publication Type: Reports & studies
Cluster: 2030 Agenda and SDG Coordination
Focus Area: 2030 Agenda, Climate change, Natural resource sustainability
Initiatives: Water Resources Management Tools
SDGs: Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
Keywords: Shared water resources, Sustainable development, Water, Water management, Water policy, Water resources, Sanitation services, Water resources development
2019 Status report on the implementation of integrated water resources management in the Arab region
January 2020
This report provides an Arab region baseline for Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicator 6.5.1: Degree of integrated water resources management implementation. The data presented in this report is dependent on the efforts and contributions of government officials and other stakeholders from 19 Arab countries in reporting on SDG indicator 6.5.1.
Implementing integrated water resources management (IWRM) is a central building block for achieving the SDGs in the Arab region. Successful water resources management requires the interaction of governments, organizations and the private sector at all levels and across all sectors. Although the average implementation of IWRM in the Arab region is similar to the global average, there is a wide spread of IWRM implementation from very low to high. Among the 19 reporting Arab countries, 63 per cent are unlikely to meet the global target unless progress is significantly accelerated.
Through analysing the elements of IWRM, this report identifies areas of progress and those which need urgent attention. The highest implementation level is found for both the management instruments and the institutions and participation. The lowest scores are recorded for the financing and the enabling environment. National efforts supported by bilateral, sub regional and regional cooperation initiatives have helped Arab countries implement elements of IWRM over the years. However, most countries would need to set targets in line with national priorities and capacities to encourage action on the ground and further progress. Given the significance of water management for sustainable development in this water scarce region, the implementation of IWRM needs to be accelerated. Moving forward, the findings highlighted in this report could be used as an important source of information to foster regional dialogue and action in order to accelerate IWRM implementation.
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2030 Agenda
, Climate change
, Natural resource sustainability
This report provides an Arab region baseline for Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicator 6.5.1: Degree of integrated water resources management implementation. The data presented in this report is dependent on the efforts and contributions of government officials and other stakeholders from 19 Arab countries in reporting on SDG indicator 6.5.1.
Implementing integrated water resources management (IWRM) is a central building block for achieving the SDGs in the Arab region. Successful water resources management requires the interaction of governments, organizations and the private sector at all levels and across all sectors. Although the average implementation of IWRM in the Arab region is similar to the global average, there is a wide spread of IWRM implementation from very low to high. Among the 19 reporting Arab countries, 63 per cent are unlikely to meet the global target unless progress is significantly accelerated.
Through analysing the elements of IWRM, this report identifies areas of progress and those which need urgent attention. The highest implementation level is found for both the management instruments and the institutions and participation. The lowest scores are recorded for the financing and the enabling environment. National efforts supported by bilateral, sub regional and regional cooperation initiatives have helped Arab countries implement elements of IWRM over the years. However, most countries would need to set targets in line with national priorities and capacities to encourage action on the ground and further progress. Given the significance of water management for sustainable development in this water scarce region, the implementation of IWRM needs to be accelerated. Moving forward, the findings highlighted in this report could be used as an important source of information to foster regional dialogue and action in order to accelerate IWRM implementation.