
Disability Statistics Country Register

Improvements in the collection, analysis and availability of disability statistics are critical to promoting sound and evidence-based decision-making in programme development and policy-making. The importance of data for the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of social integration policies for persons with disabilities is reflected in article 31 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and in the 2030 Sustainable Development Plan, which called for the classification of indicators by disability status.

This resource documents country practices and monitors their development in the Arab States through the Realizing the rights of persons with disabilities initiative, established in 2016-2017, with the goal of developing national programmes by building the capacity of Member States to produce standardized, comparable data.



Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2018

Census 2010
National Health Survey 2017/2018 (Arabic)

LFS 2016 (Arabic)
The General Population, Housing and Establishment Census 2017 (Arabic)
Violence Against Women Survey 2019 (Arabic)
Disability Survey 2022 (HH questionnaire) (Arabic)
Disability Survey 2022 (Individual questionnaire) (Arabic)

IPMM 2013 (Arabic)
Disability Survey 2016 (Arabic)
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2018
LFS 2021

General Census of Population and Housing 2015 (Arabic)

Labour Force and Household Living Conditions Survey 2018
National Household and Budget Survey 2011

PAPFAM 2014 (Arabic)
LFS 2022 (Arabic)

The Fourth General Census of Population and Housing 2013 (Arabic)

National Disability Survey 2014 (Arabic)
General Census of Population and Housing 2014
Violence Against Women Survey 2019 (Arabic)

General Census of Population, Housing & Establishment 2010

The General Population, Housing and Establishment Census 2010
The General Population, Housing and Establishment Census 2020

Saudi Arabia
DHS 2016 (Arabic)
Demographics Survey 2017

Labour Force Survey 2019

State of Palestine
Violence Survey of the Palestinian Society, 2019
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2019
Population, Housing and Establishment Census 2017
Expenditure and Consumption Survey 2011
National Disability Survey 2011 (Arabic)
Population, Housing and Establishment Census 2007
Socio-Economic Conditions Survey, 2020

Population and Housing Census 2008

Syrian Arab Republic
Budget Survey 2007 (Arabic)
Multipurpose Integrated Social Demographic Survey 2017 (Arabic)

General Census of Population and Housing 2014 (Arabic)
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2018 (French)

United Arab Emirates
Household Expenditure and Income Survey 2019
Sharjah Census 2015 (Arabic)
Abu Dhabi Labor Force Survey 2019

Household Budget Survey 2014

Last updated: Dec 2022

Cluster: Statistics, Information Society and Technology, Gender Justice, Population and Inclusive Development

Focus Area: Statistics, Inclusive development

Initiatives: Realizing the rights of persons with disabilities

SDGs: Goal 1: No Poverty, Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being, Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities

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