3-4 October 2017

The Arab Forum On Nanoscience and Technology applications

  • Amman, Jordan

It is well known that the Arab region suffers greatly from water scarcity, which is directly related to food and Energy security. Many of the countries in the region resorted to unconventional methods to provide for their water needs such as desalination or use of renewable energy sources such as solar energy. Nanotechnology is one of the most important emerging technologies to help meet these challenges. It can provide effective and environmentally acceptable solutions.

 The Arab Initiative for the Application of Nanoscale Science and Technology and Associated Technologies was launched during the Arab Ministries of Industries meeting in 2012, by the Arab Industrial Development and Mining organization (AIDMO) to find sustainable solutions to urgent problems such as water, energy, food, health maintenance, industrialization and environmental pollution reduction. Based on this initiative, ESCWA, AIDMO and Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to prepare a feasibility study for nanotechnology-based projects for desalination and solar energy exploitation in Arab countries.

The Forum deliberation will aim to showcase the feasibility study for commercializing applied research outcomes and attract investment in Arab countries to manufacture components or production plants for harnessing Nanotechnology in Water Desalination & Solar Energy. It will focus on the development and selection of the best possible options, configurations, and technologies using Nano technology in water desalination and solar energy which can be implemented by the Arab countries. It will also showcase a mapping of present nanotechnology researchers, facilities, and projects in Arab countries as well as the present investment opportunities in selected applied research projects. 

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