The Forum is a platform for all political and technical issues and aspects related to Renewable Energy (RE) and Energy Efficiency (EE) that is held every two years under the patronage of H.E. the Secretary General of the League of Arab States. The event accommodates high-level Governmental officials, Energy and Electricity Ministers, Heads of International and Regional Organizations, Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of top Public and Business Firms and Companies as well as experts from the Arab region and the Globe.
The 3rd edition of ARFREE will address the theme “Towards Competitive Energy Markets” by highlighting the current challenges towards future energy diversification, market transformation, de-risking the investments and the sustainable energy approach in Arab region. The Forum will shed light on the strategies to up-scaling EE programs as well as enhancing RE contribution to the Arab Energy mix, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Within context of the Forum, ESCWA is organizing, in cooperation with IRENA, a session on the joint study on “Potential of Manufacturing Renewable Energy Equipment in the Arab Region”. This study is being conducted to serve as a roadmap/action plan towards manufacturing of appropriate RE technologies in the Arab region and explore the scope for strengthening intra-regional linkages in this regard.
As a follow up for the Global trends towards Post 2015 Development Agenda, ESCWA is also organizing a side event on May 31st to tackle recent efforts being made towards reaching Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, specifically SDG 7 on ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all and the UN initiative “Sustainable Energy for All-SE4All” by 2030.
Further information about the 3rd ARFREE is available on the following link: