24-25 November 2005

Constitutional Meeting for The Coalition of Arab-Palestinian Civil Society Organizations

  • Beirut, Lebanon

The Arab-International Forum on Rehabilitation and Development in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: Towards an Independent State (Beirut, 11-14 October 2004) launched a multilateral process to enhance Arab-Palestinian partnerships. This process aims to support the process of rehabilitation and development in the occupied Palestinian territory (OPT), and thereby assist the Palestinian people overcome the harsh realities of occupation and instability, and at the same time lay the socio-economic foundations for creating their independent state. This process’ four tracks, include the enhancement of Arab-Palestinian civil society partnership. In this regard, UNESCWA, in cooperation with the Arab NGO Network for Development, and with support of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and Friedrich-Ebert Foundation organized the constitutional meeting for the Arab-Palestinian Civil Society Coalition Meeting on 24-25 November 2005. The meeting resulted in the launching of the Coalition, after the participants agreed over its objectives, organizational structure, terms of reference and main themes for its programme. An in order to ensure efficiency that would lead to the achievement of the Coalition’s objectives pertaining to support the efforts of the Palestinian people and its civil society entities in the process of rehabilitation and development, as well as to forge a coherent Arab-Palestinian partnership on the civil society level, the participants decided to undertake a number of developmental projects in the health, education and agriculture sectors. The meeting also decided that the participants constituted the founding committee for the Coalition, and that the membership of the Coalition would be increased during a general assembly meeting to be held in 2006.

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