The Fifth Arab Internet Governance Forum (ArabIGF-V) will be held in Cairo, from 22 to 23 January 2020. It is organized by ESCWA and the League of Arab States in cooperation with the National Telecom Regulatory Authority of Egypt - the Arab IGF Secretariat since 2012, and is hosted by the Arab Administrative Development Organization (ARADO) at its premises in Heliopolis.
The ArabIGF-V seeks to strengthen dialogue and cooperation on Internet governance amongst all stakeholders in the Arab region, including Governments, private sector, civil society, academics, technical community, and regional and international organizations. The dialogue will cover the topics of priority and issues related to Internet policies in the region, in line with the priorities stipulated in the Second Arab Roadmap for Internet Governance. The event also aims to facilitate linking the thematic areas covered with the overall objective of achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs).
Preparations for the ArabIGF-V involved the participation of members of ArabIGF Multi-stakeholder Programme Advisory Committee (AMPAC) in meetings during 2018 and 2019 which resulted with the identification of the main themes of the event, namely:
Themes of plenaries:
(1) Contribution to Internet Global Public Policymaking: From Internet Governance to Digital Cooperation
(2) Meaningful access for inclusion and diversity
(3) Digital transformation and Internet economy
(4) Cyber security, privacy, trust and peace
Cross-cutting areas:
(1) Gender equality and women empowerment
(2) Social and human impact
(3) Human development/ capacity-building
(4) Legislative frameworks
Participation in the Arab IGF-V is open to all stakeholders, and online pre-registration is available through the link below:
Remote participation is made available for the event, and the event details below include a file with the access links.
Potential partners can also contribute to the event through convening special sessions (renamed from workshops).
22-23 January 2020
Fifth Arab Internet Governance Forum (ArabIGF-V)
Initiatives: Arab information society, Arab Internet Governance Forum