12-13 November 2024
Expert Group Meeting

Advancing care economy in the Arab region: underexplored areas

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ESCWA is organizing an expert group meeting to conduct in-depth discussions on underexplored care-related areas that ESCWA is currently working on, with the aim of including any ensuing recommendations within its technical papers. The meeting lays the foundation for implementing the resulting recommendations in the region to contribute to achieving gender equality and promoting economic growth and decent work.

The meeting is composed of five sessions, each revolving around a focus area ESCWA is currently pursuing: the first session tackles a policy framework for the economy of care to older persons and persons with disabilities; the second session explores boosting a diverse care economy sector; the third session focuses on social protection as a means to recognize unpaid care work; the fourth session examines the complex web of connections between care and public policies; and the fifth session delves into the potential contribution of investing in artificial intelligence to reduce unpaid care work.

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