5-8 June 2023

Sixth training on using SDMX for SDG data reporting

  • Amman
Contact information
  • Ms. Neda Jafar

ESCWA and the United Nations Statistical Division (UNSD) are organizing the sixth workshop on the use of the Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX) standards for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) data reporting. The workshop aims to enhance countries’ capacities in relation to the exchange of national data. It also seeks to raise awareness of the latest developments in data exchange and promote the implementation of SDMX at the national level. 

Participants include statisticians and IT specialists from national statistical offices in the Arab region. The event offers exercises on data mapping and conversion using the SDMX standard tools as well examples of customizing a national Data Structure Definition. This event is part of the SDMX training series.

SDMX VI recordings


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